Live Edge Furniture

What is live edge furniture?  What are live edge dining tables?  Both these “live edge” terms were not even terms used just a few short years ago.  We would like to think that Woodland Creek Furniture helped to coin these terms and bring them mainstream. 

Twenty years ago when Woodland Creek began operations we wanted to make our furniture unique and different from the boring furniture found in mainstream stores. We loved the natural character of wood and felt some of the best parts of freshly cut wood were being cut off and discarded.  When a tree is cut into wood slabs, the outer edges of the planks have a natural edge (found directly under the bark of a tree).  Historically, this is cut off giving the wood a straight edge. We advocate that this should be a punishable crime in all fifty states. The natural edge or “live edge” has so much character. 

We use these natural edge slabs for live edge dining tables, live edge coffee tables, live edge beds, live edge consoles, live edge sofa tables, live edge end tables, and live edge counter tops.  Have we missed anything?  If so, let us know as we are willing to handcraft it for you.  Oh, live edge mantels also look incredible.  Almost forgot live edge bathroom vanities.  See we can go on and on with the application of live edge slabs in furniture and décor. 

As you will see throughout our web site, we love to work with wood slabs that have live edges.  All of our live edge furniture and live edge dining tables can be custom made to the exact size and layout needed. Custom made furniture is one of our many specialties.  If you have an idea for a custom live edge furniture design, give us a call or email, and let’s discuss your projects.  We love custom work, and we know you will be surprised by our quote (happily surprised).